Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I think I've lost my mind

Okay, so the WEIRDEST thing of my life happened to me yesterday and I thought I would share it with y'all... so I work at a plant (a foundry, really, but I have found a lot of people don't really know what a foundry is) and its out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fields, and about a mile away is another plant owned by the same company. So, it can be a little freaky around the plant sometimes because its got huge ceilings and not a ton of light everywhere. Perfect for a "crazy murderer hunting you down" type scene, and I have visualized many different scenarios in my head for a future story that I will work on eventually. So, I was at work yesterday and I was at the copy machine that looks down a hall way that has all the main offices down it, and people were walking down the hall and I saw this cute little girl run down the hall and into Jared's office. I didn't think much of it, I figured maybe it was Jared's kid or something, I didn't know. So, I walk back to my office and I look into Jared's, and its just him sitting at his computer. I glanced around and was half tempted to walk into the room to see her, but she wasn't there. There was no little girl running down the hall...I was the only one that saw her. FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!
I often feel like I am going a little crazy there because I often think I see things out of the corner of my eye, and that is creepy enough, but this was me looking straight on down the hall, and she was there...only she wasn't. It was weird.


Nat said...

Ooooh, that's kinda...creepy.

I had a class in a random building at USU, and I had to walk down this really long dimly lit hallway. I always walked really fast in it, because I thought it would be the perfect murder hall, and I didn't want to be the victim!

Amy said...

FREAKY! I hate it when things like that happen. I am a big scaredy cat for things like that. I don't like haunted houses or dark basements- sunshine and roses please!

Kar said...

Oh, you just gave me total goosebumps. That happened to Nat once - she thought she saw me come downstairs and enter my room, but I was at dance class or something. Creepy!!!