Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Amy got me with this one. So, y'all want to know 7 random things about me, eh? Well...where to begin...

#1: I was afraid of the dark until I was 15 years old. Yep, night time scared me to death. I was afraid Mr. Boogety, or something similar would come get me. And people wonder why I hate scary movies... I remember one of my first weeks in college B told me like the whole plot to a pretty scary movie, and I couldn't sleep at all that night; and I didn't even watch it! Yeah, I have a VERY active imagination. Fortunately night time doesn't freak me out as bad, but I still don't like dark places. I am a lover of light.

#2: As a kid I always wanted to be a dancer. Unfortunately for me, I have the build of a football player, so that career option was out before it was ever a real possibility. I still dream about being a dancer sometimes, but I have zero coordination, so that wouldn't really work, would it...

#3: I dream almost every night. I guess a lot of people don't dream every night and remember it. Almost every morning on my mission I would wake up and after praying I would say, "Holy cow I had the weirdest dream last night" I would write letters to my friends and they'd write back wanting to know about my dreams. My companions still ask me if I am dreaming nightly, and I still do. Last night I dreamed that I was supposed to go on this blind date with this really attractive guy, but I ended up not going because I was a secret agent and I had to go chase this bad guy and we ended up in this alley and the guy shot me and I woke up....crazy, huh.

#4: I own a Twilight shirt. It says "Cullen 13" on the back. Me and Fort both have them. Mine is brown and hers is blue. We are going to wear them when we go see the movie...maybe. It depends on how brave we actually feel like being that day. I am generally the one making fun of people who do that, so I don't know if we will or not.

#5: The only time I don't talk is when I'm not comfortable...or really really tired. I am a talker, as you all know. At work when I started I didn't talk for a while and they told me recently they had no idea I was such a talker because I was so darn quiet!

#6: I carry a notebook with me at all times. Some of you already knew this, but I always, always, ALWAYS have a notebook with me in case I get an epiphany or something about a story idea, or a scene for my book. Comes in handy when I'm in the middle of History trying to stay awake and a thought hits me like a brick wall.

#7: I am in love with a fictional character of my own imagining. His name is Jason Tyde. I posted the beginning of his story a few days ago. He is a pretty amazing guy and no one will ever know that quite like bad he is FICTIONAL... dang.

Okay, now its time for the lucky winners! I am going to tag B, Nat, and Kar-if y'all want to. I won't be offended if you don't want to!!


Nat said...

Okay, maybe I'm totally out of it, but what's the "13" with Cullen? I couldn't find any corellation in my mind with 13...

Soozee Carmichael said...

I think the 13 has to do with the number 13 being an unlucky number. I don't really know the correlation with it either...that was the best I could come up with, myself.

Kar said...

So, dude, you have to wear your Cullen shirt to the midnight premiere! Ben and I are going with my Laurels, and we're making tie-dye shirts, and the brunettes' shirts are going to say, "Edward fell in love with a brunette." I don't think the blondes have come up with anything good yet. They could say, like, "I'm a bee-otch like Rosalie," or something... We're never too old to go to premiers dressed up!