Monday, October 20, 2008

An Epiphany ...

I looked around me, at the world I had grown up was not what I truly wanted. And then he walked by, taking my hand in his and leading me outside. This simple act seemed so much more significant to me than it ever would be to him...he was taking me away from the world I knew and into one that I loved, and wanted to be a part of..." -Elizabeth

Okay, so I was sitting in my history class a number of weeks ago and we were talking about the Salem witch trials, and of course I knew I wanted to write a story about it and about a girl that is accused of being a witch! Well, the thought kinda grew a little bit, but didn't go super far and then it got lost in the back of my mind as I continued to work on my book. So, last week I was at work (which was so many kinds of horrible, but that is topic for another time!) And I decided that I liked the idea of a story about a witch, but its not like your typical magic story. See, witches are part of every day life, sort of. If a witch walked by you wouldn't notice her by her appearance. They are part of this super high class society that has "everything" money, fame, fortune, and magic. They don't have wands, they don't have to cast spells to make things happen, and you have to be born with it. Another thing is, there is a delicate balance...everyone has an opposite. Its very much like a yin and yang thing, and it MUST be kept in balance. You can choose to not live the lifestyle of the witches (there are 4 main families), but you will be disowned. You will still have your magical abilities, but you're lucky if you make it out alive. Thus we find Elizabeth. She's a witch, and she falls in love with a skater boy. He's not part of her world, and she has to choose. And then she finds out her best friend Kathryn is a witch too, and her opposite, which causes huge conflict because more than likely one of them is going to be good, and the other evil. I have a bunch of other ideas with this story, but that's the main gist of it...what do you think?


Kar said...

Holy crap! What a fantastic idea for a book! I love it, love it, love it. Very cool. You and Pete are so blessed with the ability to come up with stuff like this. And when I read that first quote, I was like, "Hmm, what book is that from?" You see? You already seem like a published author already!!

Amy said...

Very interseting. I am not into fantasy books that much, but it does seem to have a different spin on it. You'll have to let me know if you decide to take the idea anywhere.

Amy said...

Interesting.. geez- I really need to proofread my comments. Sorry!!