Friday, October 17, 2008

Girls just want to have fun

I walked into the office, much like I did every day on my way out to go home. They were laughing as I stuck my head in. "See ya!" I said. "Hey, so you're going to go 'party' tonight, huh?" Lisa said, suppressing a smile. "Yeah, it's Denise's birthday tomorrow, and since Jen is getting married soon we figured have a great party at my house!" I said, as if having a party was normal, because to is. "Yeah, but how much of a party are you really going to have without any alcohol?" I rolled my eyes, "Silly, you don't need alcohol to have a good time..."

Okay, one thing you have to understand is that I work with a lot of people that go drinking on the weekends...or after work...or whenever they can. I started working there like 3 weeks after my mission. Lets just say that they don't even call me Molly Mormon anymore...apparently you don't have to say it, its just strongly implied in my actions. Ha ha...and I don't think I'm as Molly Mormon as I should be.
Well, Denise did turn 21 and so she can now legally drink alcohol, but as is obviously mentioned, we don't drink in my group of friends. So, we bought some root beer in the bottles and some sparkling cider and had a good old time...check it out:

This is Kim, Denise, Jen, and Natalie...we really weren't trying to make it look like alcohol so much, but it kinda does, but I swear it was just root beer!
Jen holding her "Congrats" donut. We called this her "Goodbye to single life" party, and it lasted until midnight to which the party switched over to Denise's Happy Birthday much fun. Here is Denise with her donut!

Isn't she so cute? It was a lot of fun, and the root beer we got was SUPER foamy, so when the last girl opened her first one of the night, we filmed it to see if it would spill all over her. Check it out:


Nat said...

Looks like a fun party!

Kar said...

Dude, how fun it used to be to have a "group of friends." Sigh... I need to be more social. Just so busy with the kidlets. And, BTW, Girls Just Want to Have Fun is one of my all-time favorite eighties movies. You should seriously check it out.