Monday, November 3, 2008

High School Musical Weekend

You know, my brother B has gotten me into a lot of things. Like Smashing Pumpkins...didn't like them until he introduced me to their music, now they are one of the favs. Um, lets see, what else...U2, superhero shows like Heroes, Smallville, stuff like that. Well there's a lot of them and when I first got home from my mission one of the first things he made me do was watch the movie High School Musical. I didn't really think it was all that cool at the time, but I have since watched it again, as well as the second and third one and I have to say, they aren't all that bad. In fact, I dare say that I like them. Any way, so I went to see High School Musical 3 with my niece and it was tons of fun. I fell in love with one of the songs and it has been put on the rather long list of songs that will be played at my wedding reception. Here it is:

I love how dramatic everything is in those movies. Like when Gabriella decides to quit at the country club in HSM 2 and she's breaking up with favorite part of that song is when Troy comes running after her and is like almost crying because she's not going to be working there anymore...ha ha ha, its really funny because they work in the same town as they live, so its not like they'll never see each other again. Any way, here is that song:

However, my absolute most favorite parts to laugh at are the super teen angsty songs brought to us by Zac Efron in both HSM 2 and 3...check out his awesome teen angst dance moves from HSM 2:

So yeah, if you haven't checked them out, its worth the laughs. They really are quite funny. Nothing like actual high least none that I've heard of.


Kar said...

Hahaha! That last clip reminds me a lot of the angsty dance that Kevin Bacon does on Footloose. Very funny. Now wait. Gabriella breaks up with Troy in HSM2? I never watched it. I don't necessarily want to watch it, but I want to know if she did, and why. And if they got back together.

Amy said...

That's my fave song from HSM3 too! Thanks for taking Erin- she loved seeing it again. I'm glad you liked it too. So cheers to Musicals- and happiness for NOT being in HS anymore!

Jennifer said...

Fun songs Suzy. Thanks for looking out for us so we could hear them!

Soozee Carmichael said...

So, to answer Kar's question...Troy and Gabriella break up for like 3 scenes or something and then get back together, and somehow magically the necklace he gave her and she gave back when they "broke up" reappears in her possesion before they see each other again so when she surprises him at the summer talent show (they end up singing a duet...OF COURSE!) she's wearing it and they are together at the end...happily ever after! HOORAY!!

Nat said...

I've debated about going to HSM3. Maybe we'll rent 2 and 3 (we own HSM1) when Ivy is, like, 5, and then she'll get hooked, and then she'll make Pete dress up like Troy on a Daddy Daughter Date or something. :)