Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Tag...

This looked like fun, and minimal thinking, so I thought I'd do it, thanks Kar!


1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket

2. Your significant other? Missing

3. Your hair? Growing

4. Your mother? Nice

5. Your father? Hilarious

6. Your favorite thing? Books

7. Your dream last night? Logan

8. Your favorite drink? Sunkist

9. Your dream/goal? Writer

10. The room you're in? Big

11. Your fear? Snakes

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Away

13. Where were you last night? School

14. What you're not? Normal

15. Muffins? Chocolate

16. One of your wish list items? camera

17. Where you grew up? Spanish Fork

18. The last thing you did? work

19. What are you wearing? Twilight

20. Your TV? Big

21. Your pet? imaginary

22. Your computer? addiction

23. Your life? BORING

24. Your mood? Content

25. Missing someone? Sure...

26. Your car? WORKS!!!

27. Something you're not wearing? bracelet

28. Favorite Store? Borders

29. Your summer? Fun

30. Your favorite color? Purple

31. When is the last time you laughed? Lunch

32. Last time you cried? Tuesday

FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: Work, Maceys, School, Home

FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME: Rachel, Sandy, Jennifer, Sis. Stires

FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Pizza, Alfredo, Chocolate, Chicken


Kar said...

Mmm. Pizza. Should have listed that on mine... And I thought it was asking WHERE my parents are - duh! I'm so dumb! I should have just chosen words that describe them! I was in a WHERE mode, I guess.

Nat said...

So in six years you want to be away...where? Like, far far away? On Judea's plains? (Get it? I'm hilarious!)

Soozee Carmichael said...

Nat, you make me laugh! Um...away from Spanish Fork...probably Utah...but I don't think I'll be in Judea's Plain...unless its Christmas time...ha ha ha!