Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finally a good news Wednesday!!

So, the last three Wednesdays have been less than pleasant, but thank goodness that today was really quite a fabulous day! I went to work and had TONS to do, which was GREAT! And then I got an e-mail from the girls at the other plant and they wanted me to stop by, so I did and they told me that the other plant went to a 32 hour work week, so if I hadn't switched plants I'd only be getting 32 hours a week! Ouch! So, I am grateful I have a good job!
Then, I went to class today and didn't completely fail my history test I had last week! YAY! I mean I got like a B-, C+ on it, but that is TONS better than the F I thought I was getting! AND then on top of that, I thought I was going to have to try and squeeze a quiz for history in there too, but my teacher told us today that there is no quiz at the testing center! YAY!!!! Which means I just have my test in Spanish tomorrow and then its Jen's wedding this weekend! YAY! Its going to be a busy, but fun weekend. I will try and take a ton of pictures for y'all and include them on here!

And for your viewing pleasure, the music video for Paramore's new song for Twilight, its called Decode. I think its a pretty good song! Check it out!


Nat said...

YAY about your test! That totally happened to me in college-I was in the computer lab, and was even debating going to the class, and decided to look up what we were covering, and oh look, it was a test that day! So I spent the next little bit studying a part of the book, and lo and behold, the test was almost word for word a practice test in the book that I had looked at. Whew!

Dude, there's a site that a girl has that has Twilight t-shirts. Let me see if I can find the site...Here ya go:

Mike said...

Good song. Good Wednsdays make for great weekends.