Saturday, January 29, 2011

Past revisited

So, remember Luke? Yeah, if not, you can refresh your memory here, or here, or here, yeah, and then he made that appearance at Ihop that one I run in to him from time to time, and for whatever reason I've never been able to just delete him as my friend on facebook...but I don't really ever talk to him. I don't know...its like I am hoping that I will run into him again, or that by some miracle we might become better friends, I don't know, this all just sounds silly.
     Any way, I was hanging out with a couple friends from my ward and we all got a text from a mutual friend inviting us to a party at a former member of the ward's house. So, we decide to go and when we get there, I know most of the people which is nice. There are a couple of guys I don't know and they kept mentioning this Luke guy. I didn't think anything of it until we were playing a game and someone rang the bell. The host went to answer it and when he returned this guy was following him into the room. He looked an awful lot like Luke, and then it clicked that he WAS Luke!!! Craziness! So, Luke came and was playing games with us which was fun and he and I talked briefly. One of my friends, who I happen to have a hard time trusting right now, decided that Luke was just the most attractive guy ever and she kind of gave me curious glances when I would talk to him. Lets call her Amber, just for kicks. So, Amber thinks Luke is so cute and I shouldn't be surprised because she flirts with all the boys that she finds mildly attractive. But I liked that I actually had the advantage. And its not like I am super interested in Luke. But, after we were done playing games, I got to talk to him a little bit and it was tons of fun. I actually feel like we are actual friends, and not just random school acquaintances. He might come to my birthday party next week, which would be so much fun. But, to be absolutely, perfectly honest...I really really want Digger to come to my birthday party...even more than Luke. Ah, oh well. At least I'm not super awkward around Luke anymore, and I think he might actually come if I invited him to a game night or something. It was just so crazy to run into him tonight...

1 comment:

Becky Pearson said...

haha! nice! poor amber girl...