Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I did it. I talked to Luke today. He was sitting there waiting for class. He was talking to someone and there wasn't an open spot except right next to him (which would have been SUPER awkward) so I walked passed again and sent a text to Fort asking her why I am such a wimp because he's sitting right over there. She told me to get up and go talk to him. So, I couldn't just go sit by him, that would have been very forward and lame. So, I walked down the hall, got a drink and then when I came back I sat in the chair next to him that was now empty. He took out his headphones and talked to me! YAY!!!!!! We talked for just a couple minutes and then I had to go get stuff ready for class (I'm the class president and have to get people assigned for devotional and stuff, so I have to get there early) so, I went in to class and set my stuff down on a chair and Luke came and sat on the row behind me and over a seat. My teacher had asked him and a girl from our class to read an article and then lead the class in a discussion on it. I was so impressed with Luke. He is an amazing guy. AND, he's older than me, which is awesome. I feel like all the guys I meet lately are younger than me...or married.
I'm tired of feeling old. I'm only 24! I shouldn't be feeling old yet! Yet, I look around all my classes in school and see all these 18 and 19 year olds and feel really old. I really didn't ever think I'd still be single at 24. Actually, according to my 10 year plan I started about 10 years ago, I was supposed to get married at 24. I have a few months still...ha ha ha...and my friend Lisa did have that dream last year...ha ha ha, just kidding. My mom would KILL me if I got married in the winter. She told me that  I'm supposed to get married in the spring/summer so I can have an outdoor reception in the backyard, which I think would be fabulous, if things work out that way. I don't know...all I really do know is that the Lord is preparing some guy for me that will be exactly what I need. I just have to remember to be patient and wait for him. It will happen exactly when its supposed to.


Amy said...

Yea! Glad you finally did it. Maybe it will lead somewhere, maybe not. But it is better to live your life without regrets.

Jennifer said...

Soooooooooooz! Way to go! Way to be brave!

Darling Details said...

wahoo!! now you can do it again next time. it will be easier. Luke is a code name, right?

Kar said...

Good for you for talking to him, Suzie! It used to be sooo hard for me to approach guys. I feel your pain. I was almost 24 when I got married, and everyone thought I was such an old maid. It drove me nuts.