Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh the randomness!

"I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
so why do I try?
I know I'm gonna fall down

I thought I could fly
so why did I drown?
I never know why
its comin' down down down"
-Jason Walker, "Down" 

I felt like sharing a few random facts about me:
1. I constantly have stories going through my head, like ALL THE fact its rare if I'm not either thinking about a story I've either just seen or read; or a story I've just made up and am thinking about. This is how Jason Tyde came into existence.
2. I am such a night person but force myself to get up in the morning...its not so fun, but it pays the bills
3. I hate tests, but actually enjoy going to class. If I could go to school just to learn, I totally would go for the rest of my life.
4. I have a tendency to go through friends like kids go through candy. Not that I am a bad friend, I just find the interesting people that need help and then after a time we go our separate ways. I have very few best friends, but if you make it to best friend status, its kinda like you're there for life.
5. I often dream about North Carolina, and there are often people I've never met in my dreams. I think that dreams can mean things, but I don't think most of mine do.
6. I don't generally like Vampire stories, but made a special exception for Twilight and Vampire Diaries. I still have issues with both series, as I have previously mentioned...
7. I am a hopeless romantic to the core. I try to not let it come out too strong and gooey in my stories, but I think it still does. Something I'm working on.
8. My first draft is ALWAYS craptastically cheesy...that's pretty much a guarantee. I have to do a lot of rewriting, but I do love to see something come together and actually sound good.
9. I own 4 pairs of Dr. Marten shoes and am OCD about keeping all of them polished at all times.
10. I love music and am always looking for new bands, despite what my brother thinks/says...I do listen to music other than the Fray. I love the Fray and I go through phases were I listen to them more often than not...but they aren't the "be-all-end-all-most-amazing-band-the-world-has-ever-seen" awesome band. If you're looking for something new, I would recommend: Matt Nathanson, Meese, Jack's Mannequin, The Script, or Matt Kearny. Pretty good stuff. My brothers would say it is totally "Soozee music" but, I like soozee music, so I can't really complain now can I?

I hope you enjoyed these 10 random facts about me. If you feel like sharing 10 facts about you, feel free to do so!


Meredith said...

I miss you, Suzy! And I love your music choices. You have really good taste. :)

Kar said...

I loved that post! And I love how some of your phrases sound like something Pete would say. Like the word "craptastic." He is the only other person I know who uses that word. It's a good word. I should use it in a sentence today.

Ashley said...

I like your random facts. :)

Nat said...

I tend to go through friends, too. I have a few that have stuck through the years, but most are there for a while, and then that's it.