Friday, October 9, 2009

Vampire Diaries revisited

I felt the need to clarify after my last post about the new vampire show, Vampire Diaries. I mention Ian Somerhalder and although I think he's kinda funny on the show, I am not on the Team Damon bandwagon, I am most definitely Team Stefan...and lets be honest, if I had to choose between Jacob, Edward, Damon or Stefan... I would choose Stefan hands down. In the books he got a little annoying, just like Edward. There are 3 things I have been annoyed with in reading the two vampire series that I have. #1: If you're a vampire guy and you're going to date human girls, accept the fact that them being around you is going to cause trouble, and that eventually you're going to have to turn them into vampires, or drink their blood. Its just a fact. #2: Why are these guys so annoying when it comes to their girlfriends? I would go CRAZY if my boyfriend was that possesive of me. Yes, I realize they want to protect their girls, but ease up a little bit. You can't be there all the time, they're going to have to live a little bit even if their world does revolve around you! and finally #3, and one of my brother's backs me up on this point: I realize they are trying to make vampires good guys by having them not kill people to get blood, but it seems to me that for the most part it doesn't matter where the blood comes from, just so long as they drink it...have you ever heard of a blood bank? HELLO, just go steal some blood (. In both series, theft isn't the worst thing any of them do! And you can be sneaky about it. Then no human or animal has to die in the process, so really you're saving and protecting people's lives. But no, they always have to drink animal or peoples blood. I think its dumb. And now I'm done ranting about vampires and why I have issues with vampire books.


Meredith said...

Suzy, I had no idea you had a blog! Are the Vampire Diaries books? How to they compare to Twilight?

Unknown said...

But if they steal blood from the blood banks then there are people who will die because there won't be the blood that they need...

Kar said...

You're funny. Yeah, if I was a vampire, I would definitely steal from a blood bank. Better than having to kill an animal or a human. I agree with you.