Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thoughts for the Sabbath

First of all, I read this post today, and it made me cry. In a good way. WOW. I came accross this blog when my friend Ashley actually posted about a necklace a good friend of hers had given her from The R House. I looked at the necklaces and fell in love with one that says "hope" on it which I now own, and somehow I came across the actual blog for this amazing family. I have been following it on google reader, which is funny because I don't ever remember adding it to my subscriptions, but there it is and it has been one of the most faith promoting reads I have had in a while.
I went to the temple with my sister in law the other day and it was such a sweet experience. On the way there we both had mentioned that we were super busy that week and had more than enough reasons to cancel the trip, but we both made it. And it was AMAZING. I LOVE the temple, and the spirit that is there. I learn something new each and every time I go. I need to go more often. The Lord is truly there and hears and answers our prayers. I have had many things pressing on my mind and I have asked very specifically for answers to situations and trials I am going through. I finally felt at peace and the worry and doubt that had been racing through my mind distilled and was erased. There was only peace in my heart and in my mind. I know the Lord is in control and will help us through our struggles. I am so grateful for that.
In Relief Society today we had a lesson on Pres. Uctdorf's conference address from this last general conference. Another WOW. I LOVE the part that says:
"No, God does not need us to love Him. But oh, how we need to love God!
For what we love determines what we seek.
What we seek determines what we think and do.
What we think and do determines who we are—and who we will become."
It has really made me stop and think about what my goals and aspirations are for this life. I want to be a published author, but why do I want to be a published author? Is it for recognition? So people will see how wonderful I am? Or is it to help others? To uplift them? Or is it just to tell a story? Lots to think about. Man, I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is so amazing to me!!!


Nat said...

Oh, I LOVE going to the temple. I need to go again soon. I wish I could go every day; maybe when I'm one of those little old white-haired hunched-back ladies, I'll get to go every day.

Kar said...

I went to the temple this month, and it was wonderful. I got so tired of trying to work my schedule around Ben's, so I just went by myself. And it was great. I'm planning to do the same thing next month.