Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(Insert something witty here)

What to blog about...what to blog about....hmm....my life is boring, but I comment on that daily, so that wouldn't be a very good post....I could talk about TV Shows..no, I talk about those 89% of the time. Hmmm...
Last week was fall break. YAY! It was nice, except I still worked lots of hours and had lots of things I needed to get done. I did say good bye to a good friend I had made over the summer. She went on her mission and I know she will be a great missionary. It was fun to hang out with her, and no joke a week before she left she got a proposal from a friend she had back in school! Ha ha ha, it was so funny when it happened. Any way, I got a letter from her a couple of days after she left and I remember now why I like having friends on missions, because I get to write letters, which I do generally enjoy. Someone to tell my random stories to that will enjoy them because they are far away and enjoy a piece of something from home.
     I went and saw Where the Wild Things Are...it was okay...I fell asleep in the theater if that tells you how interesting it was...ha ha ha. Yeah, it was okay. I don't think its a must see, and I wouldn't take children to go see it. The wild things are constantly talking about wanting to eat Max and I realize they are "wild things", but I don't remember them being liket that in the book. Another example of how trying to take a beloved 15 page childrens book and trying to turn it into a full length film isn't always the best idea. Another example: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button...LONG and really pretty BORING. But, we did watch The Brother's Bloom...yeah, I liked taht one. Its a con man movie with Mark Ruffalo (who has a cameo in Where the Wild Things Are) and Adrian Brody (I think that's his name...) and one of the chicks from Definitely Maybe, but I don't remember her name. I mean it's no Ocean's 11, but it was still worth watching.
     I have discovered a couple of new artists, thanks to the few hours of TV I watch a week (we all knew eventually I'd be talking about TV...) I heard a couple of songs on VD that I absolutely LOVED and then went and found them on itunes. I discovered that one of them, All We Are, is by Matt Nathanson and I listened to a couple other songs on his CD and realized I'd heard many of them, and was already in love with like half the CD. He's got a more mellow tone, but I like it. And the other song was Down by Jason Walker, and it was also on VD, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. Its mellow too, almost a little meloncholie. I have put together a new playlist on my itunes and I've been going through all my music to put together a list that I can listen to when I write. I walk around campus with headphones in generally because I don't have a lot of time to sit down and think through what I need to write, so I think as I walk and then when I get a minute I pull out my notebook and scribble down the notes I've been thinking through all day long. It makes things flow a little bit easier. So yeah, I like finding new music that I can listen to while I think and write.


Kar said...

Music really is so inspiring. I'm so jealous - I wish I had an iPod. Or an MP3. Or anything.

Nat said...

Pete wants to take the kids to Astro Boy this weekend. I was surprised to hear about the full-length "Where the Wild Things Are", but I also heard that what's-his-name that did Lord of the Rings is doing The Hobbit, and turning it into TWO movies. What the heck? How? It blows the mind.