Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Keep holding on,
'cause you know we'll make it through
we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
make it through"
-Keep Holding On, The Cast of Glee

Have you ever heard of the new TV show in Fox called GLEE? Its like High School Musical on joke. It can be inappropriate at times, I'm not going to lie, but for the most part its pretty funny. I am rather impressed with the cast though. AMAZING singers, they do a few different songs each episode and on itunes you can actually download them. The show airs on Wednesday nights and they release the songs for each new episode the day before the show airs. So, I was wandering through the itunes store being bored and came accross this weeks songs and listened to the preview for "Keep Holding On" and fell in love with it and downloaded it. I haven't seen the episode yet, but it is so good! I LOVE this song! I needed it today...its a good reminder when I'm struggling which happens on occasion. Maybe I should keep holding on and pray that I might get another golden opportunity to talk to Luke....


Kar said...

Nat is a huge fan of that show; I'll have to download it, since I never have time to actually watch TV in the evenings...

Nat said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Glee!!!!! YAY! Love it.