Monday, October 5, 2009

I want to do better

There are a lot of things I can't do very well. I am aware of this (keeping an updated blog is probably one of them.) But I want to do better at these things I am really not doing good at. I know that they are important, so it is my goal to do better starting now.
    I have been thinking a lot about the future lately. Not that I am not loving living in the present, but I am trying to give myself the best possible future I can. I am trying to set things up now for a better future when it comes. I don't want to goof off and waste my time now and then regrett it later. I already have enough regrets, I don't want to add to the pile, I want to make that pile as small as possible!
    About a week and a half ago I went to a writer's conference with one of my many brothers. It was a lot of fun and I actually won something! I never win anything, so it was quite excited, and on top of that it was to get a manuscript edited for free! I was, and still am, quite exstatic about it. It was like a little glimmer of hope in my rather dismal present. I LOVE writing, if you hadn't noticed, and I truly love the stories I tell. Changing Tyde is one of my favorite stories and I feel like those characters are so real to me. I have been scared I would never finish it, let alone get it published. I know how hard it is to get published and I have let that fear consume me. But at the moment I have found hope again! I want the world to know who Jason Tyde is and what makes him such an amazing guy-even if he is fictional. Jason is the type of guy you want to look to because although he has made mistakes, he's trying his best to make up for them. It would be sad to me if no one ever knew who Kyla Sorenson is because she is so strong, and despite what B may say, she is not me...or Bella (she's not as annoying as Bella).  I lack the courage that she does. She is not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for what she truly believes in. I, along with so many others, can learn so much from her.
     It is easy for me to get discouraged and want to give up. I don't like this about myself (hence, something I want to do better at). I struggle a lot of times with feeling overwhelmed and I am so grateful for my amazing family that keeps me going (that would be like 80% of you that read this) and the few friends I have left are a great help too. I know that I can achieve my dreams! I know that I can finish this book!
    I was so grateful for Pres. Uchtdorf's talk yesterday morning in general conference, it was like it was written for me specifically! I love it when we recieve answers to our prayers like that! One thing I have learned this semester in school is that Satan wants so much for us to think poorly of ourselves and to doubt who we are, and who we have always been. We can not forget that we are literal sons and daughters of God, and as such we are entitled to promised blessings. I have felt the love of my Father and my Savior so much recently, I can't express my gratitude. I kinda feel like I am jumping around here, so sorry if it makes absolutely no sense at all. Its just a collection of my random thoughts that I felt I should share with you all!


Jennifer said...

We love you Suzy! Can't wait to read the latest on the book so glad your writer's block has evaporated.

Amy said...

I think that is awesome that you won the edit. Now you'll have to get busy and finish it up. Game night soon??

Nat said...

That's so awesome that you won that editing thing! So fun.

Kar said...

Wow, congrats on the editing thing! I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed. You have so much moxy to even be writing, putting yourself out there. I'm too scared to even do that.