Wednesday, March 9, 2011


That's me...I'm a hermit this week. I did venture out to 30 minutes of FHE after spending roughly 35 minutes with my family for my dad's birthday. I wasn't going to FHE, and had even told Digger I wasn't going when he asked, he was a little surprised to see me, and then one of his new adoring fans came over to hover by him. He seems to have gotten quite a few new fans since Sunday..and why, you may ask? Because he just got a new calling. Yep, I called it at least 2 weeks ago. Digger is the new Elder's Quorum President. I figured it would be him. I was talking to one of the counselors in the RS Presidency about it because she didn't hear there had been a change. We all knew the change was coming as the last EQP is getting married in less than a week, but I was talking to Amber about it and she hasn't previously liked Digger very much, but as we talked about it, we talked about why Digger is in fact probably the best choice out of the guys in are ward, and here it is: Digger befriends everyone, but especially the guys that not a lot of people associate with; the guys that most people call weird. He's always reaching out to them (although, what does that say about me since he was the one that started talking to me months ago when he first came into the ward.......). But yeah, most of the ward didn't know who he was before last Sunday, and now everyone wants to be his best friend. Kinda makes me laugh, and I also find it a little annoying. I shouldn't be so selfish or self centered, but I liked that no one knew how awesome he was because then he and I would talk at church all the time and no one noticed or cared.
     Any way, that was a huge sidetrack to my original topic. I am a hermit because I have a MOUNTAIN of homework I've had to do this week. Its been a nightmare! Also, I've had super drama going on at my evening job and its one of those times where everything seems to be going wrong and you can't seem to do anything right, but when all is said and done really good things happen. I like to think its because of my patience and endurance...but this time I am just waiting for the really good stuff to happen, and I kind of feel like really good things are just around the corner for me. I hope so, because I could use a really really good thing in my life. Any way, I better get back to my 10 page paper on Immigration Propaganda...aren't you so sad you don't get to write one too?

1 comment:

Becky Pearson said...

Oooooo, evening drama at the night work place.... my FAV.