Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So, as I have previously mentioned, I am working on a bunch of goals this summer. I really don't enjoy running that much and I have found I have a hard time motivating myself to do it. However, I rediscovered that I LOVE bike riding, and I think my legs are going to be super sore tomorrow from all the bike riding I did today, but I remember why I love it so much! I will be riding my bike much more often for the rest of the summer, and then when winter comes again I will buck up and go back to running so I can run a 5k by the end of the year.
    I feel really good today. I feel like I am one step closer to my dreams. I have felt really close to the spirit lately, like He is guiding me to the places I need to be and to the people I need to meet. I just feel really really good right now! I LOVE IT! Its amazing! I mean I still have tons of challenges that are right in front of me, but I feel that with my Heavenly Father's help, nothing is impossible. Even if in my head it is still impossible, that doesn't matter. I will exercise faith and trust Him, and somehow everything will work out exactly how it is supposed to. I love it! I just love life right now!


Meredith said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. :) I love riding bikes, too!

Becky Pearson said...

Yay!!! :)