Monday, May 24, 2010

Sort of...maybe...

Okay, I have to be quick quick before I go to work today. Actually, I still have like a half hour before I HAVE to go get ready. I hate Monday shifts, unless they are short and they give me a break until Friday, like today. I work until 8 and then I don't work again until a short shift on Friday. HOORAY!!!
   Any way, this weekend I had the house all to myself. It was weird. Usually being home alone at night freaks me out because I have a super overactive imagination and I end up staying awake all night because I'm freaked out about what could happen while I sleep since I'm the only one there, but this time I was totally fine. I slept VERY well both nights and enjoyed the silence of an empty house. Except, I forgot to turn the outside lights on when I went to work on Saturday night so when I got home super late it was super dark. But don't worry, no one tried to get me. And even if they had, I would have karate chopped them or something cool like that.
     I made some more cards with my favorite sister ever on Friday night. It was awesome. She and I have very similar personalities so when we both get really tired and loopy, the possibilities are endless. But it was great to spend some time with her. She makes me laugh.
     I also made cards with my sister in law on Sunday night, I am a card making addict lately, as previously mentioned in my last post. It was so much fun! I made the most adorable cards that I will post pictures of later. SO adorable!!
     I watched my first ever episode of Dancing With The Stars the other day. I confess it was only because my coworker told me to (and I don't usually do what she tells me to, but Evan Lysachek was on, and I like him, so I wanted to see it.) I don't think its a show I will watch often, if ever again. I get weekly updates from my coworkers, but apparently Evan's dancing last week was super amazing. It was just dancing to me. Maybe because I'm not a dancer. I still maintain that if you're going to get a gold medal olympian to be on a show about dancing, I think you should get like a skier or something, not someone who trains for hours and hours and hours dancing on ICE. I'm just sayin...he's a shoe in for winning. I don't think he's gotten a bad score all season.
    I didn't plan on talking about that, but moving on, the creative juices have been flowing a lot lately and I have been writing a lot more lately. I always really really want to write when I'm headed to work where I can't write and I get frustrated and then I get annoyed and then my coworkers steer clear because I am not in a mood to be trifled with.
    I am going to go see the new Robin Hood movie this week, I think. I've heard that all the critics hated it, which means that I will probably LOVE it. That's what usually happens. I will let you know what I thought after I see it.
    I have been playing 3 songs on repeat for 2 weeks now. "It Is What It Is" by Lifehouse, "One" by U2, and "Breakeven" by The Script. Songs I could live my life by...maybe...sort of....
    I finally got caught up on GLEE...oh my gosh that show makes me laugh. Glee Quote of the Week: "I'm like Tinkerbell, Fin, I nee applause to live!" - Rachel. Ha ha ha ha ha ha....LOVE IT!!!!!
    Any way, have a great week...I'll check in again soon. PS: Anyone who follows LOST, its over, how do you feel about that? I have only heard bits and pieces about it, but I heard it was crazy/awesome...what are your thoughts?


Soozee Carmichael said...

I just read my first ever post on this blog and then read this one...FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!!! Oh my gosh I am so different! You should go read my first few posts and then read the most recent ones...night and day difference...WOW.

Kar said...

I saw Dancing With the Stars once, but the non-professionals made me cringe. It's like torture for me to watch people dance badly. I've heard that Evan Lysecek doesn't point his toes very well. All that time in constrictive ice skates, I guess.

Nat said...

Dude, I LOVE Glee!! LOVE it. What did we ever do before Glee? Or Vampire Diaries? *sigh*