Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today I will change. On May 11, 2011 (exactly one year from today) I will look back to today and see how much I have accomplished, because I WILL change so many things. Here are a few of the goals I am working on right now:

I WILL work out at least 3 times a week, and I mean serious want to die from being pushed so hard work outs.
I WILL run a 10K next year with my brother
I WILL save up enough money to move out AND quit Maceys
I WILL meet new people
I WILL be incredibly social this summer and spend as much time as I can with a whole variety of people
I WILL organize all my scrapbook stuff so it is more accessible
I WILL finish my manuscript this summer
I WILL read at least one non fiction, and one fiction book a month-hopefully more, but we'll see
I WILL become the person I have always wanted to be, but too scared to step out and be in front of others.

I am so excited to work on these goals. Today I actually felt like going for a run...that's never happened that I am aware of...but it was too dark and rainy by the time I got off, and I was mad. SO, tomorrow I am going for a run, and it will be a fabulous kick in the face! I'm kind of excited.

This summer WILL rock and everything is going to change and its going to be super hard, but I know it will be worth it!!! HOORAY!!!!


Emily Claire said...

Yay for you! I love th moments that you realize what you want and you can see how to get it! You can do it! And if you ever want to be motivated, you know you can call me!

Nat said...

YAY! I'm sure you'll be able to achieve all of your goals!

Kar said...

Good work! I need to be a better goal setter. I like the use of the word "will." Isn't that a missionary trick? Like, "WILL you come to church on Sunday?" I remember someone telling me that once.

Darling Details said...

Those are great goals sister! I love that you're writing them down. I have been inspired. :) Maybe I'll get off my fanny and go for a walk tomorrow. :) HUGS!