Friday, February 19, 2010

Sometimes the Hardest Thing and the Right Thing Are the Same

Ever feel like you are living below the potential you know you are capable of? So, you set goals and make plans to do better and it seems like you are totally sucking at that too, and then one day you look back and you realize that you have been working as hard as you possibly can towards these goals that seemed impossible, and even though you may not have reached them, you are a lot farther than you thought you were. And then you feel hope and you keep going, and you try harder and harder and become better and better. Yeah, that's kind of how I feel right now, only I'm not really at the better and better part yet. I feel like I am finally making progress though. I feel like I am actually accomplishing things and that I am becoming a better person. I LOVE IT!!!
    I am currently reviewing the goals I have set for myself, looking at the ones I have accomplished, and setting new ones, or adjusting the ones I didn't quite make to do better. It is amazing how great it feels when you see progress. It lights a fire within me to set more goals and keep moving forward.


Nat said...

I'm with ya, sistah! It's good to "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"...

Kar said...

Yeah, dude, don't be too hard on yourself. When I was like a 12-year-old, I was so hard on myself for not being an absolutely perfect person. And then I realized that I could do my very best, repent when I make mistakes, and let Christ carry the rest.