Saturday, February 27, 2010

Come What May

I'm sure you've all heard the song from Moulin Rouge, Come What May...I LOVE this song. Absolutely love it. I have loved it since I heard it when I was living back in Logan. With everything that has been going on in my life I have been looking back a lot at the times I spent there. I LOVED living in Logan. I had great friends there and good times. That's part of why I want to move back. But that song has stuck with me. Come what may...such a great theme for life. In fact, I read another blog about it here. She is also doing a giveaway for an adorable necklace. Any way, I was reading that blog post and trying not to break down because today has just been hard. And not even the whole day, just since I was getting ready for work.
    The one friend I was afraid to lose I feel like I've lost. The one thing that has been constant is fading away. I am so happy for so many of my friends that have great things happening in their lives. So many joyous blessings are going all around to everyone...everyone except me, I feel. I feel like I am stuck in this stupid rut and I can't get out. I can't move forward, and its killing me. I am trying to be patient, I am trying to focus on the good things in my life (because there really are many). But right now I still feel like I'm failing at life, and it sucks.
    So, reading that post kind of reminded me why I keep doing what I do. I just need to keep having faith and trusting in my truly amazing Heavenly Father who knows far better than I do the benefits of the trials and experiences I am having. I know He has great things in store for me, I just have to be patient. Come what may, because as long as I keep my faith strong, I will never face anything alone.


Meredith said...

I LURV that song too, and I remember listening to it with you quite a lot. I miss our good times in Logan! And I'm sorry things have been so hard for you lately. Keep your chin up, because you are FRAWESOME!

Becky Pearson said...

Sooz, I agree with Meredith, you are frawesome! Thanks for coming to visit, I loved talking with you. You are such a fun person to be around!

Nat said...

Everything always works out for the best. Always.