Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is it spring yet??? I am so annoyed with the snow!!

I was going to post all my annoyances and frustrations with working in customer service, but that is such an unpleasant topic that I don't like to deal with even when I have to because that is what I get paid to do.

A few weeks ago on Masterpiece Theater they did a mini series version of "Emma" which isn't my favorite Jane Austen story, but one that I do like. Well, I watched it with my brother and his wife and fell in love with it!!! Oh my gosh, I LOVED LOVED LOVED this version of it. I do also like the Gwenyth Paltrow/ Jeremy Northam version. If you mixed the two, it would be the perfect version of the story. I actually got the DVD for my birthday, and upon watching it again, I discovered that on TV they had cut some of the scenes, which I find interesting since some of them were kind of important tidbits of information that complete the story. But, that's okay because I have it on DVD and can watch it in its entirety anytime I want *smiley face*.

I went to Salt Lake to go to Fiddler on the Roof with my brother last night. It was really quite good. I was impressed. It was done by the Hale Center Theater which I had never been to. It was fun and I was glad to spend some time with my brother.

1 comment:

Kar said...

The Hale Center Theater does such good work. I took my 8th graders to The Diary of Anne Frank (the play) a few years ago. And I am soooo feeling your title. I cannot take this snow and cold for one more dang second!!