Thursday, March 12, 2009

I heart SPRING!!! not Tex....

Even though it is still pretty cold AND snowed on Monday, that's was pretty and warm! This has been a fun week...other than one small little thing that kinda got to's a story for you:

I have a friend. When I met him, we all called him Tex because he's from Texas. He was dating my friend at the time and she and I became best friends. Her name is Fort because she's from Fort Collins. A year or so after we all became friends Tex moved back to Utah from Texas and he and I started hanging out a lot and became really good friends. Then he went on his mission and a little more than a year later I went on mine! So, we wrote occasionally on the missions and he came back and was dating my friend again. I thought they were a great couple. But, it didn't last and they broke up. Lucky for me, though, I was never put in the middle, so I still maintained both my best friends!
So, every once in a while me and Tex do hang out, whenever we are in the same city at the same time-which isn't all that often since he's in Logan and I'm down here-but its good times when we do hang out. Well, this past week a lot of my friends have been asking me if I have feelings for Tex...where did all this come from? I haven't seen him since our birthdays (his is the day before mine). Well, he was down for spring break so we went to lunch and that day at school one of my friends from class (who has never met Tex and really hasn't heard a lot about him because I don't really talk about him all that much) asks me if I have feelings for him. I tell her no and that night I call Fort and tell her how random it is and she says "So, do you have feelings for him? I mean its cool if you do" I was shocked and surprised. She of all people is supposed to know that me and Tex are just friends! So, to set the record straight: Tex is just a friend. I don't have feelings for him other than friendship. He's an awesome friend and I do love hanging out with him. But I don't think I could ever date him. So there you go. End of story. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm glad you all understand.

And in memory of Logan, B...this one is for you:


Amy said...

So Jeff says you're bringing a boy with you tonight for dinner and games. Is it Tex? Do you have feelings for him? HA! Don't worry we'll play it cool and just have fun- there might even be some Queso.

Nat said...

Hm, that's what I said about Pete-"We're just friends!" heh heh heh...

Darling Details said...

friendship is the best way to get to know someone (Would it be so bad if you did have feelings for him?) BTW, mike and I started as friends too...