Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekend Plans

So...I am going on a date tonight. Kinda funny how this all came about, but I am excited. Lets think about this for just a the last 7 years (that's how long I've been old enough to date) I have been asked out by 4 guys. I've been out on more than 4 dates, but only 4 guys have asked me out. And, none of them were terribly great experiences (Guy #4 is the reason God tricked me into going on a mission) so here I am. Post mission, just figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life when my cell phone rings on a Thursday night. I don't know the number but decided to answer it any ways (its a new phone, I don't have everyone's number in it). I answer it and its a guy named Dan. He was in my Dating and Courtship class that ended the day before. Apparently he had wanted to talk to me after class, but I didn't really stick around, I just left with my friends. So, he talked to our teacher who gave him my number and he was calling to see if I wanted to go out on a jaw almost hit the floor. So, I'm going on a date with Dan tonight and I promise to give all the juicy details tomorrow.


Amy said...

Waiting on pins and needles.... And I know that you just wanted an excuse to ditch the family reunion-- at least you have a GREAT reason!

Amy said...

Still waiting for all the juicy details....

Kar said...

How fun!! I'm excited to read the posts above... And how very flattering, Suzy. Stories like that just make me smile.