Saturday, August 30, 2008


So...I hung out with Dan again. Can we all say AWKWARD....holy cow. I don't know what happened there. It was on a Sunday...again. I wasn't very happy about it, and if I wasn't such a nice person I probably would have been mean...but I'm too nice of a person.

And then he called me this week and was like "So, I saw that you called....what were you calling about?" and I was not going to call him I said "Um...I didn't call you." and then you could feel how awkwardness he felt through the phone. So, we talked for a little bit and then he said "Suzy, I think you're a great girl, but I think we should just be friends" and in my head by this point, I was thinking 'did you really think I wanted to date you.....hmmm...thats interesting.' and then he was like really nervous I was going to hate him or something, so I made it very clear that I was going to tell him the same thing any ways and then he said "Well we should still hang out and stuff, I think you're awesome" and I was thinking....yeah....oh wait no. So, I mentioned how incredibly busy this semester is for me (which is no lie, I am going to DIE this semester!) and then ended the conversation and if I can help I probably won't hang out with him again.
You may ask what happened here. I mean at first I totally would have dated him...but it was somewhere between the first "date" (I don't even know if it truly qualified as a date to begin with...first sign right there...) and the constant changing of plans at the last minute. Yeah, I'm not cool with that. I don't like thinking I have plans for a Saturday night just to have them canceled when I'm supposed to be going out. That is LAME and also...he was really churchy. Not that churchy is a bad thing...I mean I just got home from a mission, I'm pretty churchy myself, but this guy was over the top. I didn't feel like I could be myself, and I didn't feel like I could say some things, like the word "crap" I know its not the best word, but its part of my vocabulary and I felt like I really had to watch what I said around, glad he's gone and I am moving on without even the hint of looking back. Boys stink...lets throw rocks at them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

More on the Date...

Okay, you win...I will finally give you more details. So, it really wasn't anything huge. I mean we ended up talking at Dan's apartment for a couple hours. We talked about a lot of things, and he isn't freaked out by the fact that I served a mission. So many guys hear the words "Returned Sister Missionary" and immediately freak out and no longer want to talk to you and often say something like "I didn't like the sisters in my mission" so the fact that Dan thought it was cool that I served was a definite plus. Um, yeah, we just was cool. I don't know what else you really wanted to know...he's cute, he's fun, hope he calls me again soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008


So, I don't have very much time, I'm on my lunch break at home, but I wanted to give you all a quick update on how the date was so much fun. he's a really nice guy, and I hope we go out again soon. More juicy details later....I promise!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekend Plans

So...I am going on a date tonight. Kinda funny how this all came about, but I am excited. Lets think about this for just a the last 7 years (that's how long I've been old enough to date) I have been asked out by 4 guys. I've been out on more than 4 dates, but only 4 guys have asked me out. And, none of them were terribly great experiences (Guy #4 is the reason God tricked me into going on a mission) so here I am. Post mission, just figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life when my cell phone rings on a Thursday night. I don't know the number but decided to answer it any ways (its a new phone, I don't have everyone's number in it). I answer it and its a guy named Dan. He was in my Dating and Courtship class that ended the day before. Apparently he had wanted to talk to me after class, but I didn't really stick around, I just left with my friends. So, he talked to our teacher who gave him my number and he was calling to see if I wanted to go out on a jaw almost hit the floor. So, I'm going on a date with Dan tonight and I promise to give all the juicy details tomorrow.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Okay, you go:

So, I did have my story up for a couple days, but because I just don't trust people I took it down and if you want to read it, just send me an e-mail at: and I will e-mail you a copy!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Weekend

So, I thought I was done talking about Twilight, but one final word....holy crap. The whole series was worth reading (in my opinion) for the final book. Pretty much everything cool that you have been waiting three books for happens in the fourth one. That's all I'm going to say. It was good. If you like the books, that is.

In other news...I have been writing a lot lately. I'm thinking of posting part of one of my stories up here, but I'm not 100% sure yet...I'm a very self conscious writer and it tends to be a problem when I let other people read it because I know all the flaws and I'm sure that everyone else will see them and not like my stories and what not, so...there it is. I'll keep you posted.