Monday, June 16, 2008

Recurring Dream

So.....I keep having this dream and I know that its about something important and when I first wake up I can remember it, but as soon as I get out of bed, its gone...and all I can remember is walking towards a huge white curtain and when I reach it I pull it aside to go through it, but then I wake up...everytime. I know that its not what my dream is about, but that is the only thing I can remember from it.
This is the first time since my mission that this has happened, on the mission though, it happened all the time, and I mean like ALL THE TIME. It was crazy. And my companions always laughed and said that I had the craziest dreams...its just that I don't know what these dreams mean...its weird...I don't know what to do about them, and so I'll just do nothing and let life continue on.


Amy said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog- I guess you were listening to my rant the other night. Sorry! Anyway, dreams can be weird things. I haven't had many in the last two years as I get woken up every night. But when I do they are very strange too. Just be glad you are dreaming- that means you are getting good sleep!!

Nat said...

Once I checked out a book from the library about dreams, but even the book was kind of crazy. But it had all sorts of things about what the colors in your dreams are supposed to mean, down to how many times you remember yourself blinking (well, not really, but just about). Crazy stuff! I'm with Amy-at least it means you're sleeping!