Saturday, November 14, 2009

Patience is a virtue that I happen to lack

I am learning to be patient. I don't feel like I should give up on Luke just yet. I think something could happen there...I just have to be patient. Something that doesn't come easily with being the youngest...I've never been very patient. That's probably why the Lord has been so insistant that I learn this wonderful and amazing virtue so thoroughly. Yay. But in the end it will be worth it.
     Random fact for you...before this week I had never waxed my eyebrows...I don't know why I never did, but I absolutely love how my eyebrows look now...I am so lucky to have an AMAZING best friend who happens to teach at a cosmotolgy school up in Salt Lake. She is the only one I let cut my hair (because it always looks FABULOUS when she's done with it) and she pretty much ROCKS.
    I went to lunch with AHG (I know, its been FOREVER since I mentioned him, but there you go) and I was telling him how I have issues talking to guys and he said "Yeah, but you have no problems talking to me" to which I kindly replied, "Yeah, because I'm not interested in you..." his face was quite priceless. A few of my coworkers said they would have paid good money to see his face at that moment. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy...he just thinks he Mr. Fantastic and Wonderful. He thinks he can get any girl he wants...but now he know's he'll never get this girl.
     Any way, praryer works, school is still hard (although I did get the highest score I've ever gotten on a biology test today WOOT WOOT!!) and I have been sucked into watching Veronica Mars and I love it.


Nat said...

I think everyone has a hard time with patience.

And YAY for your highest score on your biology test!

Kar said...

Jealous! I would love to get my eyebrows professionally waxed. Or even a haircut. Hahaha! I haven't gotten a haircut since July. Because I'm too poor even for a Great Clips cut. Life rocks.