Sunday, June 10, 2012

A little story for you.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Soozee. She was smart and funny and an AMAZING cook. Also, she liked to make quilts and do crafty things. She was just a stupendous person in general. However, a lot of times she felt lonely. She had friends, and they were usually very awesome, but sometimes there is a lonliness that doesn't come from a lack of friends, there is a different void, one that is harder to fill. This is the void and lonliness that Soozee couldn't avoid. It plagued her dreams and was always in the dark corners of her mind, lurking there, waiting for the moment she wasn't expecting it and then bombard her mind with feelings of doubt and despair.
     She knew, deep in her heart, that this void would one day be filled, but patience was not a virtue she carried in spades. She struggled accepting her own personal faults and often blamed herself for this void she couldn't quite shake. When she looked in the mirror, often times she didn't like the person she saw. She felt like this girl wasn't beautiful. She had nothing to offer. The sparkle in her eyes was gone. She was hollow and empty inside.
     One day, Soozee met a friend. He was kind, sincere, and very honest. He was different than most of the guys that Soozee met, but she liked the friendship she had with him. They could talk about anything, and Soozee knew that he actually understood her. She loved him, but was not in love with him. She cherished the friendship she had with him and was grateful for the outlook he gave her on life. She started to see herself the way he saw her. She started to see someone worth seeing in the mirror again and she knew that even though there were still many challenges ahead in life, she could face them.
    Time passed and Soozee moved away from her friend. She missed seeing him all the time, but knew that they would always be friends. And as time passed, she made a new friend. His name is Dean. He is everything Soozee never knew to wish for, and everything she dreamed. He reminded her a little of her friend back home, and she knew that there was no one else she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. This was what she had been looking for all her life. This was what she had been wanting to fill the void with. Love. A relationship built on trust and understanding. A lifetime with her very best friend, Dean.
    And so it was that Soozee and Dean got married and had a few kids and grew in life and love for time and all eternity. What greater wish could anyone really ask for?

1 comment:

Meredith said...

You were supposed to send me an announcement at least! ;) I love your story and I hope it is coming true. Miss you Suz.