Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Weird Dreams and RANDOM dating experience

I had a dream the other night that Fort and I were hanging out with Adam Levine (the lead singer of Maroon 5) and Andrew McMahon (the lead singer of Jack's Mannequin) and apparently we were BFFs or something because they both knew me and Fort. It was weird. and AWESOME. If it had been reality, I would have taken pictures (which I actually did do in the dream....) and post them here for you to see. BUT, since that was just a dream, I will tell you the crazy story that happened about a month ago.
    I have a friend, lets call him George (because he wishes people would call him that....long story for another time) any way, George went to Vegas for a convention referred to as CES. I heard that one of my favorite actors, Zachary Levi (from Tangled, and Chuck) was going to be in Vegas that same week, so I sent George a text asking him to please go find Zachary Levi and take a picture for me. I was only half joking because what are the odds he would actually run into Zachary Levi?
    Well, half way through one of my classes I felt my phone go off and pulled it out of my jacket pocket and saw this picture:

Isn't that a great way to end class? I think so! Yeah, so George actually did run into Zachary Levi and made my week. 
     And, while we are on the subject of George....I went on a date with him last week. I needed a date for a date dance at the Institute and couldn't find anyone to go with, so I asked George and because he is AWESOME he agreed to go. We went to dinner with my friends, and then headed to the dance where George (who doesn't like dances, and I knew this before I asked him to come) said something to the affect of: "What would you do if I just kidnapped you and we went and did something actually fun instead of going to the dance?" to which I replied, "You tell me before we leave for dinner so I can grab a pair of jeans so when we do something fun I can change out of a skirt" we ended up going to the dance for a few minutes and then sneaking out so my friends didn't notice and went to the movies. So, pretty much, George is one of my favorite people. Which is probably a good thing because I hang out with him and two other girls several times a week. Its fantastic. And, that is the end of the story, for now at least....

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Cool dating experience! Sounds like a neat guy. And I <3 your birthday cakes. Miss you, Suzy!