Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday To ME!!!!!

First of all, I have amazing family and friends! It was my birthday a few days ago and the whole weekend was spent with tons of friends and tons of family all celebrating with me!!! It was fantastic! I got to make two cakes (and before you freak out, I LOVE baking and really really enjoyed making both of my cakes!) The first one was CHUCK related because I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show, and Zachary Levi (because he's AWESOME).
     In the show Chuck works at a store that is pretty much Best Buy, only its called Buy More and instead of the Best Buy Geek Squad, they have the Buy More Nerd Herd that Zachary Levi's character (Chuck) is the head of. This is the logo for the Nerd Herd. I thought it would be a fantastic idea, and it turned out really quite well! I love it! My friends were all impressed and it was so much fun to hang out with them! Tex and his wife came down and it was great to see them!

     The second cake came from a recent obsession (at least when I'm not doing school work). I started playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean on the Wii. I HAD to get a mermaid and beat 2 entire games to do it. And once I got her....I didn't have time to play anymore. It was sad. BUT, I made a cake (and no, there isn't a mermaid on the cake....the only one was in the $70 set and I just couldn't justify that kind of money for a cake...) BUT, I did make a pretty awesome cake, if you ask me. Complete with Capt. Jack, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and some other random bad guys. I took pictures of it both lit and not lit so you can see all the details and awesomeness of it! YAY!!!
    So yeah, I had this amazing birthday and my friends took me to dinner on my actual birthday and it was just a fantastic day. AND, as if it couldn't get any better, THE FRAY put out a new CD that I was able to download from itunes the evening of my birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! It is a fantastic CD, but I love love love the Fray, so that's not really a surprise. But yeah, super awesome day, super awesome week, and now I have to go back to reading my 800-1000 pages for this week! YAY! (PS: that's why I haven 't posted in a while...I've been reading crazy amounts for my classes this semester!)

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