Thursday, April 1, 2010

I think God has an awesome sense of humor

That's why I woke up to 4 inches of snow on my car this morning. Good one.

Any way, moving on...can I just tell you that I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book! I can't wait for the next one to come out in May, and not just because the book had a cliffhanger ending (just an FYI for ya) not a super bad one, just a great lead in to the next book...which isn't out yet....which makes me a little sad.

And B, because I know you're going to ask. No, there are no vampires in this book. There are some unique individuals with a certain circumstance that makes them different from others, but not in an unnatural way...its hard to explain without giving away too many details of the book. But lets just say that in a fight between Edward and Dante, Dante would win...the end. :)

I have also been reading the Percy Jackson series, which I have previously mentioned, and I do reccomend those books if you haven't already read them. I have not yet seen the movie, although I hear that it is not anything like the book, so I am slightly intrigued.

I made my parents watch the movie The Blindside the other night...that was fun, and they really enjoyed it. I liked that movie a lot. I like that it shows that there are still good people in the world. I don't think we see that very often.

I am going to my mission reunion tomorrow for a little bit. I don't know exactly how awkward it will be, hopefully not too bad, but time will tell. I may have some good stories for you later this weekend!

I am finally feeling happy again. I took a step back and stopped worrying about a few things that are really not in my control and oh what a difference it has made! I got another calling the other day. I am now a Sunday School teacher which I am actually kind of excited about. I love teaching gospel related things, it makes me happy. I think its because the gospel is the one thing in my life that I feel I am good at as far as my knowledge goes. I realize I don't hold a candle to like any of my brothers, or my sister, but in comparison to most the people my age, I feel like I kind of know a lot. And maybe that's just me being prideful, but the gospel is a huge part of my life. Its who I am, who I always have been, and who I always plan on being.


Nat said...

I really liked the Blind Side, too. Good story, good story.

Congrats on the calling. That's one that I've always been fearful of. Pete and I team taught ours in our married student ward, and he taught, like, 40 minutes of the lesson, and then I came in at the end and gave a 5 minute warm fuzzy. Worked for me.

Nat said...

Oh, and I think I might have brought the snowfall. Because I totally tossed my kids' snow boots that were falling apart. Now THAT'S ironic.

Kar said...

Thank you so much for the book recommendations! Keep 'em coming! I'm always needing a good read. I just finished The Hunger Games and its sequel, Catching Fire. OMG. If you're looking for something to read, these books are AMAZING.

I'm pissed about the snowfall, too.