Monday, January 4, 2010

Time, time, time

It seems to me like I never have enough time. For example, it is 12:57 AM, and I need to be to work by 8:00 AM. Yeah, I know I need to be in bed right now, but my mind is still going at like a billion miles an hour.
    I decided to take a semester off and just focus on working and writing. I need to get my life more organized, and staying up this late isn't helping me at all. So, I have set a few goals for myself to better organize my time and my life in general.I'm tired of being all over the place and late to everything because I'm just not organized. In general I like living in the moment, not really having a plan, just going with the flow...but with two jobs and a calling at church that requires my time, I kind of have to put my tendencies aside and really trust in the Lord that He will guide me.
     I was so organized on my mission, and I really enjoyed it. Then I came home and I don't know what happened, but I haven't seen the carpet in my room most of the time I have been home. I don't like having a messy room, but it just sort of happened...and now its driving me insane and I hate spending time in my room, which is generally my haven. That's first thing on my list: Organize my room. The main problem is I have the smallest room in the house (which I don't really understand since I am the only kid living at home...) and more stuff than adequately fits in that room. My mom always tells me just to get rid of stuff, which is a problem when I have tons of scrapbook stuff that I would rather use than just throw away. Yeah, I am just going to go through everything and try and simplify my life. It will be a good thing.
     I have been in the mood to watch Pride and Prejudice lately and just haven't done it yet. I don't know which version I really want to watch...I think I'm kind of leaning towards the latest 2 hour version as opposed to the 5 hour BBC version. You kind of have to commit a lot of time to that one, which is something I don't really have right now. Especially since I am finally getting around to reading books I got for Christmas a year ago. My best friend gave me a book and I know he was slightly dissapointed that I never got past like the first chapter. Its not that I don't want to read it, because I do want to read it...I just haven't had a lot of time to lately. But that changes today. I will schedule some time to read. I will schedule time to organize my room. I will schedule time to play on Facebook for 30 minutes, and not more than that. I will schedule more time to blog about me super awesome amazing life...ha ha ha!!!


Amy said...

Good Luck getting better organized. I know you can do it!

Nat said...

Channel your inner Nat, and just get to it! Throw everything out!!! ;) I would watch an episode of "Clean Sweep", and it would get me all sorts of motivated. "Hoarders" (on A&E, I think) would probably do the trick, too. And instead of looking at the problem as a whole, look at parts. Like, today I will go through my clothes, get rid of the things that don't fit or are worn out. And tomorrow I will go through my movie collection, and keep the movies that I really like and get rid of the ones that I never watch or don't really care about. Before you know it, you'll be all clean and organized! It also helps if you pull everything out of the space that it's in, and scrub down the whole area, and then as you're putting things back you'll end up putting like things with like, and really be able to scrutinize your stuff.

Gee, can you tell I have a psychotic passion for cleanliness and organization and purging???? :) If you need a motivator or cheerleader, feel free to call! I'm sure Amy (a fellow de-junker) would also help you out if you asked her, and she lives a bit closer.

Mike said...


Unfortunately we have both versions of Pride And Prejudice. You can have them if you like (please check with Marci first) they are yours.

Kar said...

OMG, I love P&P. Did I ever tell you that I sat next to the girl that played Georgiana Darcy in the A&E version of P&P? I was riding on the tube when I went to London for a semester, and she sat next to me!!! I was freaking out!!! My one and only star sighting.

Meredith said...

I love that movie! Your post made me want to watch it again. And I agree with Nat. You should just break your organizing projects into smaller parts, and do one or a few small parts a day. It'll make it much less intimidating. You're awesome, and I miss you!