Thursday, April 10, 2008

Really boring update...sorry!

Well, its been quite a while since I last posted. Sorry about that. I hate dial up internet and so I get too frusterated to post sometimes.
I went shopping with my sister tonight which was soo much fun. The two of us together is just a hilarious combination. I forgot how great it was to shop with her. I got a bunch of cute new clothes so that I will no longer be the "t-shirt and jeans" girl. Not that I didn't like being that girl, I just like variety to come soon...hopefully.
I got into UVU for the fall semester yesterday which will be great. I have decided to move up to the Provo/Orem area in the fall so that I can go to night school and work during the day...we're going to have one super busy Suzy on our hands, but that's's going to be a good thing!
Work is going well...I really don't mind my job, and I have every evening available to do whatever I want!! Plus, I have weekends off so I can go visit people...I think I posted that in an earlier post...oh well!
But yeah, that's the big update for me...its kind of boring blogging when you are single and have no social life....gosh I don't have any dates to post about, or even any cute guys I hang out with because I don't hang out with anyone currently! This will change...eventually!

Oh yeah, B, this ones for you:
A-Attached or Single? Single...
B-Best Friend? Jen, and Mel...yeah, that's it for now
C-Cake or Pie? Pie, unless it is Sis. Stire's food storage was DANG good.
D-Day of Choice? Saturday, I get to sleep in!
E-Essential Item? hmmm...I don't really know..if I had an I-pod, I'd probably say that
F-Favorite Color? stuck a few years ago and hasn't left
G-Gummy bears or worms? Worms all the way...but I am not hte biggest fan of either.
H-Hometown? Spanish Fork Utah
I-Favorite Indulgence? Dove milk chocolate...or anything chocolate for that matter.
J-January or July? July, unless its in North Carolina, then I'd have to go for January...more likely chance of getting good 70 degree weather
K-Kids? Nope, not yet
L-Life isn't complete without? Family, they are always there when you need them
M-Marriage date? March 4, 2009...maybe
N-Number of brothers and sister? 6 brothers, 1 sisters
O-Oranges or apples? Oranges
P-Phobia or fears? Heights, especially over large bodies of water (another phobia)
Q-Quote? "Its like my daddy told me when I thought I'd never get that job in a bar...Honey, your odds go up when you file an application" ($5 to anyone who can tell me where that ones from)
R-Reason to smile? I'm not stuck having to be within sight and sound of someone 24/7
S-Season of choice? Spring or fall...if in NoCo, fall all the way...I love the trees there
T-Tag 3 people: Jen, Ashley, and Becky
U-Unknown facts about me? I can count of one hand the number of times I have been asked out on a date...sad, I know...
V-Vegetable? Corn., it's the family vegetable
W-Worst habit? I don't confront people very well, or very often
X-X-ray or ultrasound? I don't know...
Y-Your favorite food? Chicken alfredo and breadsticks
Z-Zodiac sign? No clue...never really been into that type of stuff.


Amy said...

Hey Suz- That was fun to read more about you! That is an ambitious marriage date considering you don't even know "him" yet. Or maybe you do, but you just don't know that it's "him." We'll be happy for you to move up here, not that we'll get to see you that often. You are going to be one busy lady!

Amy said...

PS- Do you have a digital camera? If not it should be on your list of upcoming purchases. If not I will have to come over and take a pic of you in one of your new outfits so you can post it. You are so sassy in that shirt!

Pete said...

Suz, you owe me 5$ cuz that quote is from "Win a date with Tad Hamilton". Oh yeah, I like the aggressive marriage date stance too. :). Not that you couldn't pull it off, you'll just have to get cracking.