Friday, February 8, 2013

Best Day EVER!!!!

So, I'm a couple of days late on writing this, but it was my birthday, so I assume you will all forgive me. If not, that's dumb. It's my birthday....or it was two days ago. Any was my BIRTHDAY!!! I love my birthday! It's such a FABULOUS day!!!! I am actually going to post again when the write up about my cake goes live in the next few days, but lets just say that my cake was very me this year. Yeah, and it was AWESOME. the end. Oh, and Logan didn't come over when I invited friends over. But that's okay. I really didn't think he would, and that's okay. Liam, on the other hand, has been really really sweet lately; which isn't entirely unusual for him, it just seems a little bit more than usual. I don't know what is going on there.
    Any way, last week Tango and I went to see Ellie Goulding in Salt Lake, and before you think to yourself  'who on Earth is Ellie Goulding???' here is the song most of you have heard of hers:

and now I'm guessing your next thought is "Um....Soozee....that was kind of a weird music video...." yeah, I know, but it's a me and Tango thing. AND, that's what he got me for Christmas. AND, it was a lot of fun. Other than the stupid guy a few rows in front of us that kept jumping up and down right in front of me........I don't like to be touched (then why did I go to a concert?!?!?!) and there was soooo many people there. It was insane, and that guy kept blocking my view. I really wanted to throw something at him, but that would have caused a riot, and I didn't want that. SO, I enjoyed the concert and made fun of the drunk people. Plus, I went with Tango and that was a lot of fun. He and I don't usually go do stuff just the two of us outside of work, so it was just a fun night. Full of fog...that was scary. But we survived. And it really was sooo much fun! She is really really good live. Like, she sounds like she did in the video; only it was in real life. Crazy.

Before we went to the concert, we were meeting up with Tex and his wife (I don't think I've mentioned her before, lets call her Maddie) So, Tex and Maddie live in Salt Lake and we were going to meet up for dinner. So, we met them at their apartment and all headed over to the restaurant  and Maddie was like "Our table is over here" and I was just thinking she had called ahead or something, so we follow her and when we get to the back of the restaurant, there's a big group of people at the tables. I was a little curious, and then I realized that I knew a bunch of these people! Liam was there, along with a couple of other friends! It was so crazy, I was soooo surprised! Maddie had planned a surprise party for both Tex and I (because Tex's birthday is the day before mine) and had invited all of our friends! It was so awesome! And she made me this book and had asked a bunch of my friends and my parents to write in it. It was super cute! She is so sweet! She and I have become best friends over the last few months, and she is just so awesome! It was a crazy weekend last weekend.

Oh! And before I went to dinner (you're getting the events backwards, but I'm sure you'll figure it all out in the end!), I went to lunch with one of my oldest friends. she told me she had gotten me a present and to close my eyes so she could give it to me. We were standing outside her bedroom and she opened the door to her bedroom and told me to open my eyes. I did, and there stood a life size cardboard cut out of David Tennant as The Doctor on Doctor Who!!!!!! I was speechless and could not move! It was crazy! He now resides in my room, and scares me to death every once in a while when I forget he's there. It's kind of scary to walk in and a tall looming figure is in your room. And then you realize he's flat and then you remember he's the Doctor and it would never be a bad thing to run into him. So yeah, that was my birthday pre-weekend. It was a lot of fun!!! 

1 comment:

Becky Pearson said...

Happy Bday Sooz <3 Glad you had a good day!