Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Emotional State of Things

The past few weeks have been a freaking roller coaster for me, emotionally. I felt like I was on the mission again, super high highs, and super low lows...but, I think my life is finally calming down and I am starting to look forward to the changes that are bound to be headed my way. One of those changes: a new calling in the Relief Society Presidency in my ward. What position you ask? Oh yeah, the one I always get...secretary! Hooray! At least I already have experience with that one. I am excited to work with this new presidency, it will be a good opportunity to get to know more people and really become a more outgoing person like I used to be.
    Somehow along the last 2 years I really kind of became a hermit and kept to myself mostly. I think I came out a little bit in the last ward I was in, but really I haven't been as crazy or adventurous as I used to be. I am coming back, and it feels great, and is completely terrifying at the same time. I am going to try my hardest to go back to school this semester, which I realize classes already started, but I want to go to school this semester and hopefully I can meet some cool new people. I'm praying for a miracle to happen in my life, and have good faith that it will. Why? You ask...well because my Heavenly Father LOVES me and wants me to be happy. And because some things are just worth the wait...they just are.

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