Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's a love/hate thing

I really enjoy summer, its a lot of fun. Its so relaxing, there are so many things to do outside and its so warm and most people (not me) get a nice tan. I just burn, peel, repeat. No tan. Its kinda sad actually. Any way, I LOVE having fun in the summer and spending time with family and friends. Its great. I love the break from school and everything. But there's also this other part of summer that I hate. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more love than hate, but when I hate summer, I loathe it. Right now its pretty close to loathing.
    You know those people that you may be acquainted with that when you were single you saw them and thought to yourself "if they get married before me, I will kill myself" now I realize you don't literally mean you'd kill yourself, but still, its not good. Maybe its because I'm prideful, maybe I'm super insecure, but this person I've been acquainted with for a while just got engaged and she was one of those people that I thought for sure I'd get married before her. And I'm not. And for the most part I'm okay with that. But she's still getting married first...see the problem?  I guess its just because I am not patient and I feel like time is running out for me. I know, I know, I'm only 25 and I still have my whole life ahead of me, but this was NEVER part of the plan I had for myself. I was supposed to be married a few years ago and have at least a kid by now. I am supposed to be graduated from college and teaching school somewhere. That was the plan. And now, I have no clue what I'm doing. I've still got years ahead of me in school. I'm not married, no prospects of it happening anytime soon, and all my friends are disappearing one by one...see where the loathing comes in to play? I hate summer and all the stupid wedding invites that I want to burn.
   Now I'm just venting, sorry about that. On a somewhat positive note, I got to meet Lisa Mangum last Saturday which was awesome and got my books signed. I think I've mentioned my love for her books. If you need a reminder, you can look here, or here, or here. ha ha ha. I LOVE her books!!! A-MAZING!!!
    So, I think I've mentioned this before, but I teach Gospel Doctrine on Sundays, and as many of you know its the Old Testament this year. Yeah, I love the Old Testament, which most people find odd, but some of the coolest people are in the Old Testament. It was decided by a few guys in my ward that I should have been a baptist preacher. Apparently my love the the Good Word comes across in my lessons, which is actually a good thing because the other teachers that I teach with are so boring I want to sleep. Bless their hearts. I have fun teaching, and I hope everyone that comes to class gets as much out of the lesson as I do when I prepare to teach it.
    Um...yeah, that's pretty much it. I am addicted to the music from Glee...the Journey to Regionals CD is currently on repeat on my ipod. LOVE IT! I say that a lot...hmmm...interesting...well, good luck!!

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