Friday, May 23, 2008

Yep, it's summertime

I figured since I haven't updated since I chopped my hair off and haven't yet posted a picture (sorry) I thought I'd just write a quick note letting you know that I am still alive and well.
I went to a bonfire last night which was fun. I saw one of my friends that is getting married. I hadn't seen him since before my mission. That was a lot of fun. His was the 5th wedding invitation I have received in the last 3 or so weeks. Yeah, everyone I know is getting married, apparently. Kind of crazy thought. I never Thought I would be one of the last ones of my friends to get married...I also never really planned on going on a mission, and that kind of took up some time. But all in all, life is good and I am really happy for all my friends that are getting married.

1 comment:

Nat said...

The year Pete and I got married, we had about 10 other friends get married, too! And this year two more of our friends are tying the knot. Crazy how it comes in waves. And bonfires are the best!