Saturday, November 2, 2013

For Sidney

So, my friend Sidney tagged me, and I'm answering some questions!!

"Liebster" means dearest in German, and it's awarded, blogger to blogger, to up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.  The rules for accepting and giving the award are pretty simple.  Once you accept the award, you just have to do the following in a blog entry:

Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator on her blog
Give 11 facts about yourself
Nominate 5-11 other new, up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers
Make up 11 more questions to pass on to the bloggers you choose to nominate
Thank your nominator by linking back to her blog
Upon your post going live, contact your nominees about your nomination for them

Sidney's Questions

1. What is the wildest thing you have ever done? Um, well, the wildest thing I can't talk about-legal stuff, you know ;).
2. Who is the person who has influenced you the most? Probably my mom, because she's super awesome, and when I grow up 
3. What is something you want to do before you die? Become a screenwriter.
4. What, in your opinion, is your greatest talent? Probably baking. Or writing (though I often don't feel I am a good enough writer to make a difference, or to make it at all!)
5. Do you like to go out, or are you a homebody? Homebody most of the time. I don't like large groups of people
6. Vampires or Werewolves? Um...if we're talking Vampire Diaries, Vampires. if we're talking Twilight, neither, if we're talking anything before 2008 probably werewolves?
7. Is there something you wish you could change about yourself? There are lots of things I wish I could change about myself, that's the beauty of life, though. Learning to accept who we are and how amazing we each are!
8. What do you want to change in the world? There are so many things I wish I could change, but just one would be the lack of faith everywhere. With faith ALL things are possible.
9. Who is your celebrity crush? This week, Tom Hiddleston. He's super adorable. My standard is still Zachary Levi, though. 
10. Your favorite joke? What is the Canada disease? Botulism. Most of you won't get it. It's from my apartment.
11. What is your go to feel better activity? Watch movies with attractive actors. 

11 Facts about ME:

1. I LOVE baking, especially eclairs.
2. I am the youngest of 8 and have the best, most fun, crazy family ever.
3. I am changing my major to Screenwriting
4. I'm going to change the world someday.
5. I am incredibly awesome and humble ;)
6. I only have one sister who is one of my best friends
7. I have 3 best friends. They are practically family.
8. I live with some pretty awesome room mates who joke about botulism and pharamones.
9. One day I will work as a screenwriter on a movie with Joss Whedon, Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth (Avengers 3, anyone?)
10. My favorite color is purple.
11. My favorite dessert is a white cake with white frosting. 

Okay, y'all. I don't know who to tag, so if you want to do it, here are my questions:

1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. What is your favorite color and why?
3. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?
4. What is your number one goal for your life?
5. What is your favorite store to shop at?
6. Why did the chicken cross the road?
7. Knock, Knock?
8. What is your favorite hobby?
9. If you could go to lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?
10. What is your favorite holiday?
11. What is your idea of a perfect date?

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