Once upon a time, and several years ago, I was a young freshman at Utah State University. It was my first adventure out on my own. I met many new people and gained great new friends. I took a Chemistry class at 7AM that I hardly went to, though if I knew then what I knew now, I would have probably gone every time and made sure I looked super cute too. You see, there was a boy in that class. Let's call him Logan (because that's where I met him. In the city of Logan. seems fitting), any way, Logan was in my Chemistry class. He's tall, taller than me. He used to play basketball I think (or I'm making that up because it would totally fit). I first thought he was stuck up because he didn't really talk to a lot of people, however, I learned that he is actually just a really quiet guy. He has blonde hair and really nice eyes, though I don't remember what color they are. He would talk to me every once in a while, just say hi ask how I was and stuff like that. And then, after that class I moved back home. I visited Logan quite a bit though because I still had friends and family up there. Every once in a while I'd still run in to Logan and he would always stop and say hi. It kind of made me happy because he's a really attractive guy.
Now, let's fast forward nearly ten years. I hadn't seen or talked to Logan in probably 8 or so years. I think he went on a mission (again, I could be making that up because I just don't really know) and then I went on my mission (which I am positive happened. I was there for that one) and then I stayed in the greatness of Happy Valley and finally went back to school and worked on a career path that I am still working on today. So, around Halloween time I was at FHE. I saw this guy across the gym that I could have sworn looked exactly like Logan. But what would he be doing here? So, naturally, I pulled up Facebook on my phone and stalked Logan's profile to see if it was really him. I was fairly certain it was, but I didn't really think he'd remember me. I went to the side of the gym he was on and was standing there with some friends when he stops talking to the posse of girls around him and says, "hey Soozee! How are you doing?" ...........um........hi? I almost died. But I kept it together and talked to him. for like a second and then my words were gone. I thought he'd gotten married, but after a little bit of facebook stalking, I realized that I had just assumed he'd gotten married, and here he was in the other singles ward that meets in the same building as me. what are the odds? Seriously.
K, so I didn't see him for a couple more months and at the combined ward Christmas party I finally got the guts to go talk to him. We talked for a while and just caught up on what we'd been up to since our Freshman year of college (he got a Bachelors and Masters degree from USU) and then that was it. In between each encounter I was going to post something but then figured it would all amount to nothing and would be a waste of everyone's time.
So now I'm sure you're wondering what has come over me that I am posting all of this now? Well, now it's a longer story and I feel it is more worth your time. Also, because there is one last update to this story. I was sick last weekend, but when Monday came around I still had to go to work and all that. By Monday I was feeling a lot better and decided to go to FHE since I am the new co-chair and everything. I didn't even know what the activity was, but I went any way. It was dodgeball. I am horrible at dodgeball when I'm not sick. So, I kind of watched from the sidelines. And then I saw Logan, so I went and said hi, talked to him for a minute and then he joined in the next game to play.
I was standing off to the side by a wall, but still in the gym where the game was going on. I was just watching away when I got smacked in the face with a dodgeball. I looked up to see who had hit me, and there stood Logan half way across the gym looking mortified. I started laughing. He mouthed an apology across the gym and the game continued and I didn't think much more of it. At the end of the game when everyone was done playing about 20 minutes later, Logan came up to me and kept apologizing. It was really pretty funny. And this now leads me to my last point, and the real reason this post exists. After FHE, I was talking to Tango and we were talking about plans for my birthday next week. I didn't have any set plans, but I kind of wanted to invite Logan. I am sure my chances are slim to none, but he is such a cool guy that would it really kill me to at least invite him? SO, I did it. I invited him to come have cake and ice cream next week with me and my friends for my birthday. I haven't heard back from him, so I don't know if he's going to come or not, but at least I invited him. And the worst that could happen is he'll tell me now and I'll move on. Bu I was brave and I invited him to come! I will keep you all posted, but I'm not getting my hopes up.