Friday, March 9, 2012


So, its officially spring break for me for the next WEEK!!!!! I am beyond excited! I am going to relax and bake and read and bake and write and bake and probably read some more....I realize that sounds like a regular week for me, except I get to read WHATEVER I WANT!!!! So, I am going to read the Hunger Games, because I am one of the only people left that hasn't. I've owned it since the first one came out, and actually own all of them, but just haven't had time to read them. It's crazy, but I'm working on it.
    I have been commissioned to make a birthday cake for a friend for tomorrow. This is one of the firsts I am making for someone else, not for someone I know well. I have always been willing to make cakes for others, and Digger has been telling me for forever that I need to start a business, I just don't have the time to put into a business right now, you know? I don't have time for anything, it seems like.
     Question for you all, if you had a super power, what would it be? Leave comments below and let me know what you think :). Me and my friends have been talking about super powers because we went and saw the movie Chronicle the other day...I can't really recommend it, it was kind of crazy. It reminded me a lot of the film style of Cloverfield if any of you saw that one.
     I am going up north next weekend to visit my friends up there. I haven't seen Fort in ages and we are going to dinner with my brother up there. I am hoping to see Digger too, but who knows if that will happen. I know I have mentioned this before, but I am so grateful that I am friends with Digger. Even if we don't talk for months, when we do talk its as if no time has passed. I love having a friend like that. He's amazing...even if he doesn't want to date me.
     George mentioned that he wanted to listen to The Fray (made my day!!!) and he downloaded their newest CD and after a few days he told me he just couldn't get into I burned him a copy of my favorites of their songs and he was excited to listen to them. I laugh at his music preferences because he either likes really kind of girly music (he'll kill me if he ever reads this, but he listens to Taylor Swift, Kinna Grannis,  Paramore, stuff like that...kind of girly) or rap. I don't think you can get to more opposite ends of the spectrum. SO, hopefully he likes the Fray and then I can have a friend that likes them too. I'm not gonna lie, that would be stupendous.
     Well, I am out of random thoughts for you today. I'll probably update again soon, since its SPRING BREAK and all! ha ha ha!